We may, at the end of each day, feel alone. But are we? The author assures us we are neither cut off nor abandoned, and in "God Incidents: True Stories of God Working in the Lives of Catholics," Tom shares the stories of people whose experiences bear witness to the immediate and unquestionably real presence of God in their lives. "God Incidents" resoundingly assures us we are not alone. A book-club discussion leads a woman to become a Christian, but she is afraid to tell her husband.
A discouraged volunteer decides to continue her volunteer work after hearing the Virgin Mary's voice giving her direction. A parish church is transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. These stories, and many more, demonstrate the love of God for his children. Based on these true stories, "God Incidents" shows that not everything is a coincidence. This audiobook and the inspiration, contemplation, and examination it naturally fosters will help you to recognize God's hand at work today and all days.
Download your copy of "God Incidents: True Stories of God Working in the Lives of Catholics (Volume 1)" written by author Thomas R. Lukes and narrated by Doug Greene on audible here:
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